figs … now

fig ...

every year at the end of summer i just can’t wait for them …
and as in october the season slowly comes to an end … i start missing them … though preserving them as fig jam provides some relief …

fig jam

squeeze the juice of 2 untreated lemons and place all in a preserving pan with 250 ml water, 2 sliced vanilla pods, 5 broken cinnamon sticks
and 1.5 kg sugar. dice 1.5 kg figs without stems, add them and bring all to the boil.
reduce the heat and simmer for about half an hour, stirring from time to time. be careful as it easily scorches.
remove the lemon halves, vanilla pods, cinnamon sticks and preserve in clean hot jars.

fresh figs

and because now they’re still available i prepare myself a salad with goat cheese, fresh figs, greens with lemon honey marinade and still hot croutons fried with herbs in olive oil and butter …